Chatway Live Chat Blog 12 Rules For Delivering Effective Customer Service
June 7, 2023

12 Rules For Delivering Effective Customer Service

Idongesit Inuk

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If the question, “What is quality customer service” has ever crossed your mind, then you’ve come to the right place. While customer service plays a crucial role in the success of any business, its definition and use are much more important than just replying to customers via channels such as live chat, email, phone or in-person.

The most important aspect of any good customer experience when interacting with a business is the ability to get one’s issues or problems solved. However, in getting to the solution, there are several things that must be done. In this article, we will explore 12 rules for delivering exceptional customer service and ensuring customer satisfaction.

1- Understand Your Customers

To provide excellent customer service, it is essential to have a deep understanding of your customers. This involves gathering and analyzing customer data, soliciting feedback, and creating buyer personas that make the customer user experience delightful. 

Actively seek feedback from your customers through surveys, feedback forms, or social media channels. This feedback provides valuable insights into their experiences, pain points, and areas where your service can be improved.

This can help you better understand and serve your customers instead of just making assumptions about their needs. 

2- Provide Prompt Responses

Nothing frustrates a customer more than a delayed response. If it takes a business too long to reply or provide answers to customer questions, it could lead to damaging effects, especially in our socially-inclined world. 

Timely responses are crucial when it comes to customer service. Customers appreciate quick resolutions to their inquiries or issues. It makes them feel valued, heard and important. This in turn can lead to higher customer satisfaction rates, conversions and sales. 

Utilizing live chat and chatbots can help provide immediate assistance. These tools can provide preliminary assistance or preset messages that tackle the questions of the customers before they get to interact with a live chat agent or customer service representative. Additionally, it is essential to set realistic response time expectations and keep customers informed throughout the process.

3- Personalize the Experience

Customers appreciate a personalized experience more than anything these days. If you demonstrate how well you know your customers by utilizing data, you can unlock new levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Firstly, create multiple channels for customers to provide feedback, such as surveys, feedback forms, social media platforms, and customer support interactions. Make it easy for customers to share their opinions and encourage them to provide feedback through incentives or rewards.

Gather relevant customer data through various touchpoints such as website interactions, purchase history, surveys, and preferences. This data can include demographics, past purchases, browsing behaviour, and communication preferences. 

Use the feedback and customer data to understand the needs, preferences, and pain points of your customers. Communicate your knowledge of their needs in your messaging, marketing materials and throughout your interactions with them. This can go a long way in making customers feel valued.

Hand holding megaphone

4- Be Proactive

Instead of waiting for customers to approach you with their concerns or issues, take the initiative to identify potential problems and address them before they escalate. 

One way to be proactive is by anticipating customer needs. Put yourself in their shoes and consider the pain points they may encounter during their journey with your product or service. Are they frustrated by your landing page? Do they have to reach out to your customer service team for answers to frequently asked questions? Do they have an issue with shipping? Are they frustrated by long wait times? 

All these and more are things that you should consider when building a proactive strategy for providing excellent customer service. 

Another proactive measure is to reach out to customers with personalized follow-up messages. This demonstrates that you value their feedback and want to ensure their satisfaction. Whether it’s a simple thank-you message after a purchase or a check-in to see if they need any assistance, these proactive gestures show customers that you are committed to going above and beyond their expectations.

Customer service agent actively listening to customers

5- Active Listening

When interacting with a customer, eliminate distractions and give them your full attention. Avoid multitasking or interrupting them. Show through your body language and verbal cues that you are fully present and engaged in the conversation. This helps them feel confident in your commitment to resolving their issues. 

Ask open-ended questions to encourage the customer to provide more information about their issue or requirement. For example, you can ask, “Could you tell me more about what happened?” or “Is there anything else I should know?”

Jot down key points or details as the customer speaks. This helps you remember important information and demonstrates that you value their input. It also allows you to refer back to specific details when addressing their concerns or following up on the conversation.

6- Effective Communication

When communicating with customers, it’s important to use clear and simple language. This is because complex language can easily frustrate, annoy or even confuse the customer and make helping them more difficult. 

Avoid using jargon, technical terms, or complex terminology that might confuse or alienate customers. Instead, break down information into easily understandable terms and provide explanations when necessary.

Put yourself in the customer’s shoes and empathize with their situation. Understand that they may be frustrated, confused, or upset when they reach out. Don’t make it personal. Keep your tone, answers and gestures professional and warm especially when handling frustrated customers

Show empathy by acknowledging their emotions and concerns. Use phrases such as “I understand how you feel” or “I apologize for the inconvenience” to demonstrate empathy and build rapport.

7- Empower Your Customer Service Team

Your customer service team is on the front lines, interacting directly with customers. Their empowerment begins with extensive training. Make sure your customer support team is well-versed in the products they’re dealing with and the policies of the company. 

They’ll be more equipped to confidently respond to a variety of client questions and concerns as a result. Give them chances to learn new skills and get familiar with industry developments so that they may better serve their clients.

Allow your employees to make decisions and tackle problems on their own in addition to receiving training. Motivate them to take charge of their encounters with customers and to offer appropriate responses to their demands. 

When you give your team members the freedom to make decisions on their own, you demonstrate that you trust in their abilities and judgment. Make sure your customer service team has access to reliable resources and feels safe asking for help when they need it. 

Encourage an environment of open communication and information sharing where team members can pick up useful tips and tricks from one another. Huddle or have team meetings frequently to exchange successes and strategies for overcoming obstacles.

8- Handle Complaints and Difficult Situations

Unhappy customers and difficult situations are inevitable. It is essential to remain calm and composed, regardless of the circumstances. 

No matter how exceptional your products or services may be, there will always be instances where customers experience issues or express dissatisfaction. The key to maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty lies in how effectively you handle these complaints and difficult situations.

When faced with a complaint, the first and most important step is to remain calm and composed. It can be challenging, especially if the customer is angry or upset, but responding with patience and empathy is crucial. 

Once the customer has voiced their complaint, apologize sincerely for any inconvenience or dissatisfaction they have experienced. An apology goes a long way in diffusing tension and showing empathy.  Next, take immediate action to address the problem. Depending on the situation, this may involve finding a quick resolution or offering an alternative solution. 

Throughout the resolution process, maintain open and transparent communication with the customer. Keep them informed about the steps being taken to address their complaint and provide realistic timelines for resolution. 

Once the complaint has been resolved to the customer’s satisfaction, take the opportunity to follow up. This additional touchpoint can leave a lasting positive impression and reinforce their trust in your company.

Coins on trees

Rule 9: Continuously Improve

Customer service should be an ever-evolving process. In order to meet the ever-shifting demands of their customers, firms must constantly innovate and improve their service. Companies can maintain a competitive edge and deliver superior service to their clientele by making constant development a top priority.

To properly apply this guideline, organizations should aggressively solicit input from customers and analyze it to discover areas for improvement. There are several ways to get feedback from customers, including polls, reviews, social media, and one-on-one chats. Businesses can learn a lot about their strengths and problems by listening to what their consumers have to say.

One important part of continuous service improvement is analyzing customer service metrics. Information about the efficiency of customer service operations can be gleaned from metrics like average response time, customer satisfaction scores, resolution rates, and first-contact resolution. Regular monitoring of these indicators allows organizations to spot trends or slow spots so they may fix the problem and boost output.

10 – Stay Ahead of Customer Service Trends

The field of customer service is constantly evolving, with new trends and technologies emerging. It’s important to keep up with the newest innovations. Organizations can guarantee top-notch service to their clientele if they adapt to the changing market conditions. To assist you keep one step ahead of the curve in customer service, consider adapting to changing technology, like AI, machine learning, and automation.

Always be aware of what your competitors are doing in terms of customer service and how you might improve. Keep in touch with the experts, influencers, and thought leaders in your field. 


To summarise, delivering effective customer service is crucial for business success no matter what industry you’re in. It’s important to keep these cardinal principles in mind when delivering customer service.