Chatway Live Chat Blog The Ultimate Guide to Handling Angry Customers on Live Chat
October 3, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Handling Angry Customers on Live Chat

Damilola Oyetunji

Content Writer at Chatway.

The Ultimate Guide to Handling Angry Customers on Live Chat

Live chat has gained popularity as a customer support channel for businesses of all sizes. It’s known for its convenience and efficiency, allowing customers to get their questions answered or issues resolved quickly without making a phone call or sending an email. However, it’s not uncommon to encounter angry customers in this virtual space. Handling them skillfully is essential for maintaining a positive reputation and fostering customer loyalty.

When customers have a bad experience, they are more likely to share it with others, which can harm your reputation. On the other hand, when customers receive exceptional service, they tend to become loyal brand advocates. That’s why, it is important to prioritize customer satisfaction and handle angry customers with care and professionalism. In this guide, we’ll walk you through managing angry customers on live chat, providing tips and strategies to turn their frustration into satisfaction.

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Understanding Why Customers Get Angry

Before we talk about how to deal with angry customers, it’s important to know the reason behind the customer’s behavior. Anger is a natural reaction when people feel frustrated, disappointed, or like nobody is listening to them. Customers often get angry because they’ve faced a problem or feel like their needs weren’t met.

As customer service reps, it’s crucial to remember that their anger isn’t about you personally. Instead of taking it personally, try to understand how they feel and why they’re upset. Show them that you understand their emotions and care about their perspective. This can help calm them down and work together to find a solution.

Angry Customer

Techniques To Calm Angry Customers: Empathy and Active Listening

Empathy and active listening are essential when dealing with upset customers. When customers feel like you hear them and understand their point of view, they are more likely to calm down and work together with you to solve the problem. Here are some ways to show empathy and listen effectively:

Effective Steps for Solving Customer Issues in Live Chat

Once you’ve made the customer feel better and shown that you’re listening and understanding, it’s time to focus on solving their issues well. Here are some ways to do that:

Customer support live chat

Sample Live Chat Responses for Dealing with Angry Customers

1. Acknowledgment and Empathy:

Customer: I’m angry about the delay in my order!

Agent: I understand your frustration and apologize for the delay. Let me look into this issue for you right away.

2. Offering a Solution:

Customer: Your product is terrible, and I want a refund!

Agent: I’m sorry to hear that you’re experiencing issues. We’ll process a refund for your order immediately. Can you please provide your order number?

3. Handling Billing Issues:

Customer: I was overcharged on my bill!

Agent: I apologize for any billing errors. Let’s investigate this issue together. Can you please provide your account details so we can resolve it?

4. Apology and Assurance:

Customer: Your support is useless. I’m never using your service again!

Agent: I’m genuinely sorry for your dissatisfaction. We appreciate your feedback and will work to improve our service. Is there anything specific we can address now?

5. Dealing with Technical Problems:

Customer: Your website is down, costing me time and money!

Agent: We apologize for the inconvenience. Our technical team is already working on resolving the issue. We appreciate your patience.

6. Handling Shipping Complaints:

Customer: My package hasn’t arrived, and I needed it yesterday!

Agent: I understand your urgency, and I’m sorry for the delay. Let me track your shipment and provide you with an update on its status.

7. Follow-Up for Resolution:

Customer: I’m still waiting for a response to my complaint!

Agent: I apologize for the delay. We take your concerns seriously. Let me check the status of your case and provide you with an update within the next hour.

These live chat templates serve as a starting point for addressing various issues and managing angry customers effectively. Remember to personalize your responses based on the specific situation and customer’s concerns for the best results.

Managing Abusive Behavior from Angry Customers

While most customers can be reasoned with and their anger defused, there may be instances where a customer becomes abusive or exhibits inappropriate behavior. In such cases, it is important to establish boundaries and take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your team. Here are some guidelines for dealing with abusive customers:

Essential Tools for Enhancing Customer Interactions 

To ensure smooth and efficient customer interactions, it is essential to have the right tools in place. Here are some popular options to empower your support teams in managing customer interactions effectively.

The choice of live chat software is at the core of successful customer interaction management. Examples of good live chat tools to explore are Chatway, Chaty, Zendesk Chat, etc. These tools enable real-time conversations and allow support agents to assist with customer’s queries.

Chatway live chat software

Integrate your live chat software with a CRM platform to track customer interactions and provide personalized support. CRM software can help you handle customer data, track their purchase history, and ensure a seamless experience across different channels.

Co-browsing tools like TeamViewer Remote and Upscope allow support agents to view a customer’s screen in real-time. This simplifies issue resolution by enabling agents to guide customers through processes visually.

Knowledge base tools, i.e. Klutch, helps with the easy creation of canned responses that can help support agents quickly find answers to commonly asked questions and a self-service resource to help customers find detailed answers to queries.

knowledge base software

Training Your Live Chat Customer Service Team

To ensure consistent and effective customer service on live chat, you must provide training and coaching to your customer service representatives. Here are some key areas to focus on:


In summary, effectively managing customer interactions on live chat is a multifaceted endeavor that can significantly impact your brand’s reputation and customer loyalty. Incorporating the strategies and tools mentioned in this article into your live chat support approach will lead to improved customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, and most importantly a strong reputation in the eyes of your customers.